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Greetings From
Phantom Coaches Hearse club logo

These pages and the new site are best seen using 'AmericanText BT', 'Graveyard', 'Nosferatu', 'Pschyco Poetry' and 'Blood Of Dracula' fonts from or Art Today.

Welcome to the Phantom Coaches web page! We hope to provide information and entertainment not only for our membership worldwide, but for all web-surfing professional car enthusiasts out there ... and perhaps most especially for those who came here wondering just what kind of person would drive a hearse, anyway. (By the way, it's 'hearse' with no 'T' in it ... that's a real pet peeve for most of us)
So... are we morbid-minded ghoulies who sleep in coffins and hold monthly graveyard meetings? Well, okay, you got us on the graveyard meeting part :) But the fact is we're a group of people from ALL walks of life who just happen to enjoy hearses (and flower cars, and limousines, and ambulances...)

Here's what's on this site:

Visual Pretty pictures and member bios.
Propaganda Check out excerpts from our official newsletter, The Epitaph, a calendar of up comming events, message board, and read about our history and Membership Information.
Join Join Phantom Coaches!
Flee Aaah! Run away!

Graphics for this site were found at Eureka or Cool GRAPICS on the Web and the music was found at Chopin - MIDI and more.

Main Professional Car Web Ring This Professional Car Web Ring site is owned by
Phantom Coaches Hearse Club.

Click here for info on how to join the
Professional Car Web Ring.

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